The Legend of Koï


The Legend of Koï

By CHEV's Team

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    Hey there, Chev! This is so impressive. You really have a knack for creating cinematic shots and movements. It was really well paced, and your draftsmanship is so good! Bravvvvvvo! I was immediately drawn in with the curiosity of the chase, and I think that you did a great job of creating sympathy for your main character. I do wish I had more clarity about the end - I couldn't tell exactly what made the character choose to let go, and just accept...? Were they a descendant of the dragons, or did they just have a really close connection. Either way, it still was a great story! You should be proud! Best of luck! :)

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    thank you ! At the end it's not clear because there is no color but he becomes the dragon, that's why his human body disepear

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    Hi, Chev! You've done something awesome, you know? How much movement, life and emotion is contained in your story, it's wonderful! I enjoyed it very much, it's magnificent from beginning to end. Your drawings are incredible, the use of perspectives unbeatable, the melody and sound effects perfect and the plot great, you make the audience get into the story, bravo!!! Besides, I found it even poetic and super moving! CONGRATULATIONS, MY FRIEND!

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    awee this was super touching! uhh i guess the only thing i would say is i would have liked to see a slower intro with him waking up i think

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    What I loved most was the action, tension and exciment! Especially when the dragon arose! Congratulations in such a powerful story! What I found unclear was why was he scaping? Before meeting the dragon was he able to breath fire?

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    Thank you, he is scaping because he is different, so he is hunted, and yes technically he was but he didn’t know until he was pushed to his limit

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    This was outstanding! Every scene transitioned smoothly and the animation was spectacular!

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    Woah that was a visual masterpiece...every frame was a painting. Left me wanting more!

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    I agree with you, Brit! I would like to see more too!