Blue Finds Happiness


Blue Finds Happiness

By Rhonda's Team

Description: A sad & lonely young woman finds her happiness.

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    Oh I hadn't seen this final version! It is nice to see the sequence of actions in full. The overall outline is clear, and the theme and message are very interesting and important. Regarding the details and missing information, they are exactly the ones I described to you in a few videos ago, so you can check on that in case you work further on it; it would be nice to those additional details also represented on the drawings (since you might only for example include them in voice), because they tell more about the world and the reasons for the actions, and you already have a very compelling theme and message.

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    Hi, Rhonda! I'm glad to see more development of your story. You deal with a very nice subject and with very interesting values and messages. Now that the story goes scene by scene and with more color, it is more striking and understandable. The only thing is that at the end of the story, the moral is not clear to me because the audio sounds choppy. I'm sure you can fix it, I'm looking forward to listen to it and reflect on it ;) I also think it would be good to add some music to make the story more emotional. Finally, your project brought to my mind a phrase I heard some time ago and I liked it a lot. I share it with you in case it can give you inspiration and impulse...: 'Use your imagination not to scare you, but to dare to achieve the unimaginable'. Best regards!