



Description: Es una pequeña historia en la cual un padre de familia llamado Timado llega a su casa desilusionado, pero de la nada su hijo corre a verlo y le pregunta ¿cómo nacen los bebés?, y el le va a contar una pequeña historia

  • A

    Unfortunately, I am unable to understand the dialogue as I don’t speak what I assume is Spanish (apologies if I got that wrong!) but from your description (Google translate helped me out!) the story is relatable to parents as they tend to come up with stories on how children are born and you took this concept and rolled with it in a very excellent manner! Your characters have definable appearances that make them stand out! I enjoy how the colors pop and make your characters stand out from the background!

  • A

    Thank you for your opinion, I had planned to speak in English, but my English is very, very bad