FLORA, A Mrs. Call Disney Tribute

FLORA, A Mrs. Call Disney Tribute
By Isla & Wen's Team
Description: WHAT IF… What if the most creative and inspiring moment in the life of the greatest cartoonist, visionary and dreamer ever in history had happened during his life in his mom’s belly? What if the trigger of his ideas had been inspired by the person who fed him, took care of him and loved him unconditionally during his intrauterine life? WHAT? Based on the life of Walt Disney’s mother, Flora Call Disney wrangles her family, and deals with a sweet-yet-mischievous mouse, as she gets ready to give birth to the brilliant man, king of imagination, who would become one of the biggest pop culture titans in American history. WHO? Welcome to a fantasy journey through time and space into the mind, heart and belly of a woman who drew and inspired the growth, imagination and personality of the man whose drawings continue to inspire our lives: Walt Disney. This woman is Flora, his beloved mom. And this story was born out of my desire to pay homage to all the mothers in the world: is there a greater adventure than creating life and educating a child? HOW? We have decided to preserve the essence of traditional illustration brought to the cinema, which Walt pioneered, through 104 images generated using pencil, watercolor and paper. But most importantly, the main element we have used when creating this story is passion, from our humility, with the confidence that this is a great story that needs to be told. WHEN?… This storyreel is the consequence of a script for a feature film I started writing in 2020, inspired by Walt Disney’s mom (appearing on https://blcklst.com). I have been working on this project for three years. All this ‘passion’ started when I was pregnant with my second child: I felt something powerful, like an ‘inner fire’ inside me which drove me to read Walt’s biography and to do more and more research on Flora Call Disney and Walt’s childhood, in order to write a tribute to her. I believe she was a very important figure in Walt’s life, since she even provided a great influence on his creativity, but we haven’t given her the importance she deserves. WHERE? In FLORA, A MRS. CALL DISNEY TRIBUTE, Walt Disney’s story is told from his origin inside the womb and his experiences alongside his mother, the incredible Flora Call Disney. The Chicago area carries some potential as the main setting for the story, and where Flora goes through her pregnancy, with the period of the early 1900s offering numerous possibilities for some historical references in relation to the span of time in which the unborn baby develops. WHY? Because Flora was a very special woman, who I believe has not been talked about enough nor paid the tribute she deserves. She who gave birth to the great genius of animation, the man who has inspired our childhoods and our lives with his boundless imagination, captivating fantasy, the beauty of his animation, the greatness of his characters and his motivating morals. Because, paradoxically, the general public only knows about her tragic death and not her life legacy, I believe that the time has come to turn the tables. Focusing on the mother of such an iconic figure in American history is an interesting motif to delve into as the premise, with Flora not having nearly as much of the historical spotlight as her powerful son, Walt, who would go on to build a massive empire. Because I wish to pay tribute to all mothers through this work. I am a fan of Disney stories, I grew up with them, they made me fall in love with cinema and its magic, and they ignited, somehow, the spark of imagination that I have today. I like to imagine that just as I was inspired when my mother told me Disney stories and took me to the movies to see his productions, Flora inspired her son through great classic tales as well. Because Flora was a great mother, wife and, above all, a great woman who knew how to treat her five children with tenderness, firmness and inspired them with great stories, in which she surely planted some seeds in their hearts, especially in Walt, and this in turn made the films that today move ours. Because Flora was probably the first Disney princess for Walt. SO… We hope that the audience can appreciate: Flora’s sense of love and affection for her family and the charming relationship between her and The Mouse; their friendship denoting the kindness and imagination that Flora has and passes onto Walt; the three main characters (Flora, The Mouse and The Baby) are developed in a way the support and complement each other; the historical references to the potential inspirations for Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio and more; an authentic and visually cinematic world and time period in order to make FLORA a resonant story; that this story goes beyond fantasy and reality, beyond space and time, because it’s all about the essence of life: the meaning of life itself; and, above all, that the love and effort put into this work will be reflected on the big screen.
- SShawn---
What an amazing story! Having only reading the write up so far it is absolutely inspiring and perspective shifting. Everything I cherish in a good story. I would love for everyone to hear the story of their on mother and their own grandmothers. I love the sound the mice make and it made me very emotional at the end. So very inspiring.
- AAnonymous---
Congratulations on the exhibition, Isla & Wen!! I loved the sweetness of the story, the development of Flora's character and her friendship with the mouse. Also, all the watercolour illustrations and the playful animations. Excellent work!
- AAnonymous---
Hello, Maria! Thank you very much for your beautiful words. How nice that you liked our project. A hug, my friend :)
- AAnonymous---
Wow, I'm truly amazed by what you have created Isla and Wen! I love the concept of this story and how you focused on Walt's mother and her relationship with the mouse (a nice nod to the Disney brand). Everything was done so well and with intention, from the music, sound effects, voice acting, and beautiful drawings. I loved how it also foreshadows some of Walt's later works and cartoons. It's so strong and clear. Once I watched a ted talk of an animator and he said the best thing any film/story can evoke is a sense of wonder. I think you captured that sense of wonder beautifully here. I loved every second of this, GREAT JOB!
- AAnonymous---
Dear, Nicole, thank you so much for your super nice feedback. Sorry, I thought I had already replied to you.... How nice and interesting what you say about 'the best thing any film/story can evoke is a sense of wonder' and that you consider that Flora achieves that effect, you are very kind! And yes, I love that you picked up that the mouse figure is a good nod to the story of Flora and her son Walt :) We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your fantastic words towards our work. All the best to you, a big hug, my friend! ;)
- AAnonymous---
This is soft and beautiful! Great job! It inspires me to finish mine!! I love the wistful drawings and soft score
- AAnonymous---
Hi, Tara! Thank you for your nice comment! I'm happy FLORA inspires you to finish your work ;) Go for it!
- AAnonymous---
I love what you've done, Isla and Wen. Beautiful whimsical illustrations, that add to the tone of the project. I love the relationship you've created between Mrs. Disney and a mouse. I also love the theme of never losing the "child within us all". What a lovely idea to suggest how the character of Mickey Mouse may have been born. I'm sure Walt Disney would think it was a lovely tribute to his mother.
- AAnonymous---
Hello, Jane! Thank you very much for your feedback, your comments are really motivating and I appreciate the time you have taken to see and value my reel. I'm glad you liked it and you were able to extract one of the valuable messages from the story: 'never lose the child within you'. Best regards, my friend :)
- AAnonymous---
Oh, man. I loved the watercolor sketchlike quality of the drawings. So confident. So soft and inviting. An excellent marriage between the look of the story and the story. I really loved the moon phases about 1:37 in. And it's ridiculous how I've never given Disney's mother much thought. I'm a blind pig. Now I want to know more about her. I can't thank you enough for making this. It's an extraordinary celebration of motherhood and creativity. The journey with the mouse is really great. The mouse is such a great symbol, I guess, for that creative spirit. "And the rest is history." I hope you keep creating. This was such an important story to tell.
- AAnonymous---
Dear, Tone! You don't know how happy your words make me, how kind you are! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your feedback :) Yes, there is much to discover in the woman who gave life to the great Walt Disney, hence this tribute so important to me that, as you rightly say, is an ode to creativity and motherhood at the same time. Thank you again for your support, it is very motivating. A big hug, my friend ;)