

By Magical Girls

Description: Our story is about a magical girl who who feels lonely and discovers the truth about her stalking fan

  • A

    What an amazing schematic! Great job!

  • A

    I liked the looks of the new scenes, it was interesting to see the shapes of the clothes and the textures of the powers. I will consider the video as an outline for the feedback. The outline served for me as a "main scenes that will appear on the outline main points", so it was clear on what will happen on those scenes because the visuals and narration made sense with each other. Also, because I knew already the theme and the previous videos. But the sequence of actions wasn't clear in how those scenes connected to each other, mostly because 1 - the very beginning is an explanation of how the main character got the powers but it doesn't give information about how that is related to the fans and what was the everyday life (it went straight from this origin to the specific fan); 2 - the timing of narration is not following exactly the drawings on important explanations like around 0:50 (the gift frames pass too quickly) and 3 - your description of the scenes didn't give all the explainations on 2 important moments, which is around 0:50 when it is explained that he becomes a super villain, but he himself is not very much shown to make the viewer clearly understand he felt bad about that situation (and give more importance to what specifically he felt bad, because he steps on the gift when she seems to just have ignored it, but since it is a bit quick too you can also assume that she stepped on it), and the powers weren't shown before (or powers weren't explained how they usually worked) so seeing them on those scenes made it difficult to know how to react, even if it is safe to assume the powers can be like that because of the magical component. So it is just a matter of showing more and with the right pace in the full version.