Lux in Lights Out!


Lux in Lights Out!

By Vera’s Team

Description: A bat who is afraid of the dark? Meet Lux, a timid little guy, who is trying to overcome a fear most of us are familiar with!

  • A

    As someone who was once afraid of the dark, I like how Lux had to spend time in the dark to see the light. (I'm pretty sure there's a quote from a movie/book about that somewhere, but I can't remember.) I like how the story progressed and how Lux had to take many steps forward and back to overcome his fear. One thing I thought could improve in the story was the way it was told. I felt as though there was a lot of narration explaining everything to the viewer, not leaving much for artistic interpretation and visualization. Great job, though! Good luck in the September exhibition :)

  • A

    Great storyline with some beautiful line hierarchy and art work! You have successfully managed to give a sense of environment where the the characters live in to the audience. Good work in introducing your characters as it allowed the viewers to connect with the characters in your story. Nice work on the light and darks in your visuals as these two element were instumental in creating your illustrations. Overall really great work on your reel, which was concluded with a strong moral.