You in the World's Eye


You in the World's Eye

By Mei

Description: Life is like an endless ladder until we reach the end of our inner world. We often hear words telling us not to fear the stares of the outside world, to be ourselves, to be uniquely us. Yet, will ignorant self-medication really immunize us in this society? Shouldn't aesthetics be diverse, should not conforming to the mainstream of popular aesthetics be the original sin? Appearances and figures that do not conform to the mainstream of popular aesthetics are often criticized, subconscious discrimination and differentiation have not disappeared. Aesthetics constitute the mainstream, which is constantly changing. Do we have to keep altering ourselves in order to fit in with the world? The cruelty of reality has forced us to bow our heads and make efforts to win praise and applause. What in the end is the right...

  • S

    I like how clear the sequece of actions and drawings were (including more "conceptual/inside the mind" moments like in the 2 mountain of sweets), and I also liked the smooth animation on the majority of the middle to end. It was also interesting to hear more from you and your vision in the description. As a viewer, I appreciated that there is a resolution, but I was also wanting more information about details of the character's life because of the last scene. It is not totally clear if it is still the bedroom, but I can assume it is because the clothes look like from exercise. Also, since the lips were very different (or at least since we only got to see it closely for the first time, they felt different), as a viewer, I was also assuming the character did other things (at very least makeup for example) which are not explicitely shown, so I also had a doubt if this is supposed to be positive or not. We don't get a good look of the character's expression after losing weight, so even though the last scene evokes more confidence, I am not sure if the character is really feeling confidence or is happy... So just checking for you to see what you wanted to convey. Nice job on the reel.

  • A

    I like how this deep but simply-written film has two sides to it. On one side, there is a girl who is bullied for being overweight, so she works hard to prove them wrong and becomes fit. But on the other side, the girl is not actually breaking the borders set by society but merely conforming to them. Nice film and good luck in the exhibition!