Voyage of The Star Beast


Voyage of The Star Beast

By Rebecca's Team

Description: Hou Yi, an astral dragon, must ferry Zhi, a lost human soul on an interstellar journey across the universe to fulfill her dying wish of seeing her sister again and to find her next life. Here is what I've been working on for the past five months! I kept this very loose in order to finish the sketch pass for the showcase, this project will most likely take me into next year to clean it up a bit. This is an idea I've had since college and I'm happy to bring it to life! Enjoy!

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    Hi again, Rebecca! As I told you before, you have done such an amazing job! I'm glad to see your history already fully developed, it's brilliant! You are a wonderful storyteller and your drawing skills, style and professionalism are amazing. Also, you have chosen a beautiful story with a very interesting and deep message. All this shows that you have a great imagination and overflowing creativity. It certainly shows that you had (and have) a lot to tell. Also, your characters are very well defined, and you animate them in a unique and realistic way. The play of colors is also very appropriate for the story time you have chosen. I also especially liked the dragon character, as he reminds me a lot of the one in The Neverending Story, one of the movies that impacted me the most in my childhood. Finally, the only thing I would add to this great story is a music that enhances even more the emotionality it carries with it, as it surely helps to clarify even more certain scenes and to create more dynamism in general. Keep inspiring us this well! So, again, my sincere congratulations and all the best, my friend! :)

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    Thank you so much for your support! Again I absolutely loved your story as well!

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    Nice to finally see how it ends! I didn't expect that there would be fights and that she would use the powers like that, it was interesting. You managed to make all the movements and transitions, so I didn't have questions about how were things moving, so that's cool too (of course, when making the definite animation that's when details will be discussed). I like how pratically all the astral movement scenes were easy to understand! Even the very first thing on Act 3 with the trying to come out of the cell was pretty clear with the sequence of drawings. Maybe it was the expression and the exact sequence of poses that allowed me to see clearly "forcing" a way out? I also like the other human characters! You definitely made clear what the viewer is supposed to feel about them in your voice. Once again, liking your own work is where things like this come to shine! It definitely helps to have already seen the videos before because it's super easy to follow the information and many names come back from where they were mentioned when I watched. (I went straight to this last video if that's ok). I didn't have a particular feedback regarding the other Acts, so I'll only talk about Act 3. The sequence of actions is clear, and both visual and voice information were clear and made sense to it. Particular questions I had were on 31:48 where the purple flame didn't appear so I was unsure if the flame was appearing only when it was drawn on screen, and how would the flame "ignite". Also, I think on 32:24 it was the first time the viewer sees another creature other than humans and those big (the dragon's big scale), and since I remember seeing your outline and previous videos there were other creatures so I was a bit confused at this particular moment of what I was supposed to know about them. So in that time I just assumed as a viewer they were just part of the crew and those creatures are possible because of all the different things that have happened so far. So maybe inserting somehow images of more races in Act 1 or 2 could help with that. Because I didn't remember if there was any previous indication that showed how Divus people/races were, and the rest of the crew appears quickly, so I couldn't see clearly how the other races could look like. But that does not impede anything on watching the rest, it's just what I felt as a viewer. Also, it was from this moment forward that I felt that the music was really setting in a very good way the mood of the world and scenes, because the visuals are more concentraded inside of the ship and it fits that kind of music, and it makes it a "things are developing", "spy/splinter cell mood". Other than that, I didn't have questions, I could follow everything. I totally couldn't predict what would happen, and it was pretty cool to see different kind of fates happening to different characters. Pretty cool to see so many ideas still coming up in Act 3. And, overall, the story came out pretty cool with such deep worldbuilding, like I said on the previous videos. It was nice to watch it and be inspired by it!!

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    Hi Diego, thank you so much for your in depth feedback! I really appreciate the time you took for all this and I'm happy to hear that you've enjoy it!