Ricardo Finals


Ricardo Finals

By Unnamed Team

  • Q

    didn't understand the video could be better with audio and music

  • L

    Hi! I like the idea behind your story - a man who is loves all things car, who becomes a race car driver but loses his first race. I like that he finds the motivation to continue on and eventually wins! I'd love to have heard some of the story or had a synopsis in the description so that your vision was clear. I also would have liked to know more about the character. Why did he become a race car driver (it also isn't clear what happened in the beginning, as it seemed like he was a boxer before becoming a driver as it seems like he was a boxer)? The illustrations might need a little tweaking to help tell the character's story more clearly but this is a great concept to work on further!

  • E

    I am a little lost because there is no sound and the text is not very clear but the drawings look pretty good.