Dyes N Ehvil


Dyes N Ehvil

By randy & ricky

  • L

    Really funny (and then tragic at the end) with great sound and music effects! You have some great frames with interesting angles and compositions. I don't really understand the main character's motivation, why they were invited to the boat in the first place or where the main character found the boat. Perhaps you could give these moments more attention to really drive the story forward. Why did the main character capture the wife? Why did he leave the others on the island? How did Bob die and why was there a gravestone for him? It would be interesting to see if the others fight him or perhaps give some backstory as to why he left them there? Great concept and with some time you could really have a good story here.

  • M

    nice drawings

  • T

    I liked the sound effects and the story was interesting and drew me in.