

By Mary

Description: Here is my submission for the Exhibition! This process of creating Halvar's story was super educational and I'm looking forward to developing it further. Thanks a lot for all the great feedback along the way! It helped me tremendously and I would not have come this far without it. I hope you have as much fun watching it as I had making it :)

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    Mary, this is incredible. Masterful storytelling. With your use of lights and darks, you've directed the viewer's eye in every frame. You've put in an extraordinary amount of work, and I can't thank you enough for sharing this with us. I'm sure you will, but I still have to say it, please keep going, because I can't wait to see more. I'm so excited to see how your designs for the invaders shape up, and to see you continue building the world and lore of the island.

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    I'm in love with this story! So beautiful. tender and compelling... You did an amazing work, Mary! I admire your drawing style, so nice, clear and expressive! Your voice is also perfect! I love the credits too! I can imagine this story as a feature film ;) Just wonderful! MY MOST SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS, MY FRIEND :)

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    I just watched your animatic and I was blown away! It's absolutely beautiful and the story is so well-told. I love the way you've created a world that is both familiar and yet also completely new. The characters are so relatable and the pacing is perfect. I can't wait to see what you do next! I especially loved the way you tell the story with voice-over. The story is so fluid and expressive, and it helps to bring the characters and the world to life. The music is also perfect and it adds to the overall atmosphere. I know you put a lot of hard work into this animatic, and it shows. You should be so proud of yourself! I can't wait to see what you do next.

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    It’s a cool story, and I thought the font for Halvar’s name is very striking. The thumbnail caught my eye immediately. Nice line work too!👍🏾

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    Halvars conflicted point was mine too as a viewer, how will he do this? Then came a worthy payoff, truly so as he changed his community. I love your drawings Mary and the sense of space the shots had. Great work!

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    I absolutely love your story Mary!! I love how everything comes full circle at the end, and It all fits together perfectly like a puzzle. Excellent job!

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    Beautiful story. There is joy in the characters. I don’t have any negative criticism of this story. I would love to see it in screen form.